Ideation workshop with EU stakeholders

On 20 June, we organised the 2nd ideation workshop bringing together stakeholders from the circular economy. The online meeting was a follow-up to the previous one held in March this year.

Based on the services mapped during the previous workshop, stakeholders worked to find specific examples of client journey stages that can be shared and the following ideas for specific actions to be implemented:


  • Organise a webinar on Directive on Sustainability and finance (involve banks)+ access to private/public funding.
  • Organise events in cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network on compliance with the EU taxonomy.
  • Strengthen cooperation with the EU Stakeholder Platform to share and organise joint events: e.g. organise ‘circular talks’.
  • Strengthen cooperation with other EU projects  .
  • Collaborate with key stakeholders in bigger and recognisable events related to the circular economy (e.g. Circular Economy Forum).


  • Bringing in local experts from stakeholder projects to dialogue with culturally close companies.
  • Sharing business model orientation methodologies (e.g. Delta methodology to move towards CE business model change).


  • Exchange of experts between stakeholders (especially Enterprise Europe Network partners) to organise workshops.
  • Organisation of specific hackathon-style workshops: sharing of common challenges by companies and support of experts to identify technological solutions.
  • Organisation of workshops in one value chain to try to facilitate circular economy (CE) implementation methodologies and a way to strengthen collaboration between technology savvy companies and companies looking for solutions.
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