Second Open Call

EU funding for Up2Circ implementation projects

Up2Circ will provide financial support to a minimum of 92 SMEs for implementation projects focussing on the uptake of circular business model, product or process innovation. Financial support will be provided to single SMEs that have been actively involved in the Up2Circ Academy activities and prepared application documents of sufficient quality before the open call deadline.

Who can apply?

Projects must be submitted by a single SME from the EU Member States (EU 27) that meets the following two criteria related to their involvement in the Up2Circ Academy before the submission deadline:  

  • Circularity assessment: Applicants must have completed the circularity assessment using the Up2Circ Circularity Assessment Tool. For companies located outside the Up2Circ partner regions, the circularity assessment is completed online. For companies located in Up2Circ partner regions, the circularity assessment may also be completed offline with support of Up2Circ team.  
  • Enhanced knowledge and expertise in circular economy: Applicants must have actively participated in the Up2Circ Academy online learning programme. Active involvement is defined as having completed a minimum of 50% of the Up2Circ Academy e-learning modules.  

Call will open in spring 2025.

More information will follow soon.

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