Join us online at SustainableSolutionsMatch, 7-21 February 2025
Are you passionate about innovative sustainable solutions? Ready to share your groundbreaking ideas with the world? From 7–21 February 2025, SustainableSolutionsMatch invites you to a transformative virtual event connecting solution seekers and providers…
XTRAMARINE : Exploring circular economy solutions for its flexible ultralight naviation unit
XTRAMARINE conceived a new catamaran. They needed support to finetune the business plan accordingly the relevant circular strategies. The feasibility study allowed to explore in detail the different opportunities to adopt circular economy…
Presentations from webinar on Circular transition through digitalisation
Missed our webinar on the role of tools like artificial intelligence, visual tracking systems, common communication standards, and labeling in driving the transition towards a circular economy? No worries! Below, you’ll find the…
Kinotehnik ReLight Feasibility Study: Exploring Circular Economy Solutions for LED Lighting Fixtures
SECTOR Broadcast and Film Lighting Equipment, High-value Content Creation CHALLENGE Kinotehnik faced the challenge of evaluating the feasibility of upcycling Practilite 602 and 604 LED lighting fixtures into next-generation models (Practilite 632/634). The…
Webinar: Circular transition through digitalisation – the role of labelling, visual tracking, AI and common communication standards
The circular economy transition will not take place without a rising role of information. Since resources without identity become waste, we need to assign goods with appropriate information, track them as well as…
Slides- Circular Economy Revolution: Why Systemic Design is the Game Changer
Systemic design is a game changer for the circular economy revolution as it offers a holistic approach to redesigning systems, ensuring that all parts work together efficiently and sustainably. Our interactive session of…