Who we are
We are 7 partners from Southern, Eastern and Northern Europe, passionate about supporting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). For more than 15 years all partners are members in Enterprise Europe Network. We help SMEs to innovate and increase their growth. Doing that, we have a track record of successful collaboration with enterprises from all our regions of origin. With Up2Circ we bring all our expertise on advanced technologies, social innovation and international business collaboration to the table and expand our services explicitly to the field of circular economy.

Camera di commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Torino (CCIAATO)
CCIAATO represents nearly 230,000 companies of the Turin metropolitan area in Piedmont (North-West of Italy). It operates as a public organization in charge of market regulation and economic promotion functions. Among the most important activities: management of the National Register of Enterprises, market regulation, promotion of the local economy and support to business development, digitalisation, innovation and internationalisation; it has been coordinating NW of Italy Enterprise Europe Network for the last two decades. Camera di commercio di Torino is also involved in social impact issues, sustainability and circular economy, boosting the design and adoption of relevant services supporting local companies.

Tartu Science Park Foundation (TSP)
TSP in Estonia is a technology development and business support centre with the main objective to support creation of a favourable environment for the emergence and development of technology- and knowledge-intensive businesses in Estonia. Within Enterprise Europe Network, TSP is supporting SMEs in technology transfer related topics and it is also running incubation programmes for tech-entrepreneurs including Science to Business Incubator and ESA Business Incubator in Estonia.
JIC, zájmové sdružení právnických osob (JIC)
JIC empowers people to create businesses that can change the world. JIC supports, guides, inspires and teaches, it believes that only people who see their work or business as meaningful can be simultaneously successful and enjoy satisfying lives. About one hundred South Moravian companies come through its programs each year, from start-up entrepreneurs driven by a new idea to established firms. With this throughput, JIC has contributed in creating one of the most innovative entrepreneurial systems in Central Europe.
Agence d’attractivité et de développement économique de la Région Sud (risingSUD)
risingSUD is the economic development and investment agency for the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region in the South of France. risingSUD’s overriding mission is to accelerate growth and enrich territories in the Sud region. This mission is spread across three key objectives: to assist companies in their development projects for growth, recruitment, exports, financing, green or digital transition, commercial or industrial property; to support development in cities and communities across the regionwith a diverse range of custom services and a wide-ranging network of partners; to attract international companies and investors by organizing prospecting missions, trade delegations, and promotional events around the world.
Lubelska Fundacja Rozwoju (LFR)
LFR is one of the oldest Regional Development Agencies in Poland with solid grounds on financial services for SMEs among others and is coordinating the Enterprise Europe Network of Eastern Poland. LFR is also a Coordinator of Lublin Business Support Institutions Cluster which aims to initiate and support the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. LFR’s strengths are in SME advisory on finance and funding, project management, communications and social innovation.
Tutech is a company owned by Hamburg University of Technology and the City of Hamburg set up to promote effective transfer and exploitation of knowledge. Tutech’s strengths are in technology transfer, innovation advisory services and project management. As Enterprise Europe Network partner, Tutech is supporting SMEs with internationalisation, innovation and sustainability advisory services since more than 15 years.
Fundación Fundecyt Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura (FUNDECYT-PCTEX)
FUNDECYT-PCTEX is a body governed by public law based in Extremadura (Spain), which promotes scientific and technological development in the region and a better use of research and innovation outcomes. As a Science and Technology Park, it hosts and supports more than 90 innovative companies and promotes the development and consolidation of regional entrepreneurs and SMEs. FUNDECYT-PCTEX also plays the role of a Development and Innovation Agency by providing technical assistance to the Regional Government for the design and implementation of innovation related policies and working in close relation with enterprises, the University of Extremadura, R&D centres and other regional stakeholders to foster innovation.