The aim of the Up2Circ project is to build a community of organisations across Europe to support SMEs in the transition to a circular economy. If you have broad access to EU SMEs, deep insight into your sector and/or expertise in the circular economy, advanced technologies or social innovation, we invite you to join our Up2Circ community.

By joining the Up2Circ community:

– You can access our tools and methodologies to support SMEs and contribute to their improvement

– You can increase your visibility through our network by promoting your events, being a speaker at our events, co-organising events with us or writing an article on our LinkedIn page.

At the end of the project we will publish a best practice guide “Cooperate to perform better” that will be a result of our cooperation with stakeholders and show the synergies of our joint activities.

Together we can accelerate and scale up the transition of European SMEs towards a Circular Economy !