Webinar: Circular supply chains: Digital Product Passport and Circular design strategies
Date: October 24 th, 2024 Time: 10:00-12:00 Online Session (Zoom) For organisations, adopting circular economy strategies to transition to more environmentally friendly and sustainable practices has become an imminent requirement, not only to…
Up2Circ First Open Call: Announcement of results
We are delighted to share the results of our First Open Call, which aims to support European SMEs (EU27) on their journey towards a circular economy through financial support. The call attracted 366…
Free webinar on change processes in SMEs in September
Summer break is over and Up2Circ is ready to start into 2024th second semester! As you know Up2Circ supports SMEs in their transformation towards circular economy. We offer free consultation, expertise and knowledge,…
366 applications received in the First Open Call
On 31 May 2024, we closed the First Open Call. We received 366 applications from SMEs from 20 EU countries. SMEs applied for two different funding schemes based on the maturity of their…
Join us for an online workshop on “Transitioning from products to services to fuel sustainable growth” !
Companies are experiencing intensified competition, with products progressively becoming commoditized. This trend results in price erosion and mounting pressure on profit margins, making it challenging for these companies to sustain growth and meet…
Join our pool of evaluators!
Up2Circ is setting up an external pool of evaluators to support the review process of proposals received in the Up2Circ Calls. Up2Circ is a project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme with…