
Oct 16 - 30 2023

Virtual Brokerage Event @ Innovation Village 2023 (online)

ENEA, partner of Enterprise Europe Network’s BRIDGeconomies Consortium, organises the Virtual Brokerage Event @ Innovation Village 2023, in the framework of Innovation Village 2023. The focus of the event will be on sustainable and smart technologies and solutions for achieving a “twin” green and digital transition.

The Virtual Brokerage Event @ Innovation Village 2023 provides a unique opportunity to meet private companies (including start-ups, spin-offs, SMEs and large companies), as well as public authorities and municipalities, university and research centres, industry and associations companies, working on new technologies and solutions for achieving the so-called “twin” (green and digital) transition to a zero carbon, zero waste economy that leaves no person or place behind. It is also an important opportunity to stay up to date on the latest corresponding advanced technologies, the demand for innovation from institutions and municipalities, new applications from SMEs and technical challenges faced by large companies.


  • Aerospace, Sustainable mobility, Logistics, Smart city
  • Cultural heritage, Tourism, Creative industries, Social innovation, Digital education
  • Digital technologies and applications for sport
  • Energy, Environment, Sustainable construction, Blue growth
  • Food, Sustainable agriculture, Agritech
  • Life sciences, Biotech and Healthcare
  • New Materials, Advanced Materials, Digital Manufacturing
  • Smart technologies, Robotics, IoT, ICT, AI, blockchain, and quantum computing




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