
May 16 2024

B2B Matchmaking Session @Automotive Forum, Vilnius (Lithuania)

B2B Matchmaking Session aims to bring together European manufacturers and enterprises, SMEs, and provide an opportunity for participants to meet potential buyers and suppliers, engage in international business cooperation or projects. The focus is on the latest industry developments, new manufacturing technologies, expertise and IT solutions that could be shared among European automotive industry representatives.

B2B target groups:

• Automotive

• Mobile

• Engineering and Manufacturing

• IT Solutions

• Other Industry Sectors

Registration to B2B Matchmaking Session is mandatory! Registration deadline May 15! Participation in B2B session is free of charge! The primary matchmaking among participants will be arranged via b2match platform. Next to the B2bB Matchmaking session, participants at the venue will get a much wider content and will be able to take part in multiple events, offered by AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY FORUM and BALTTECHNIKA 2024 exhibition.

Highlighted Exhibition Events:

• Making Industry 4.0 Real 2024 conference | May 15

• Future Energy Baltics Expo 2024 (NEW)

o Solar energy technological innovations | May 15

o Building management technologies | May 16

o Sustainability in industry | May 17

• Automotive Industry Forum | May 16

• B2B Matchmaking Session for Lithuanian and foreign countries representatives




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