Digital Sectorial Catalogue

The digital ecosystem is a dynamic, interconnected network that necessitates reliable communication among customers and trading partners. In that sense, the world is changing drastically through the ever-evolving era of digitalization and the integration of Information Technology (IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Developments in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector have led to significant changes in the methods of production and patterns of employment across the European Union (EU).

SMEs are not fully exploiting potential of digitalisation. Enterprises are increasingly digitised, with large companies taking the lead, but there are room for improvement. Only 38.5% of large companies rely already on advanced cloud services and 32.7% are using big data analytics.

The sector offer challenges of Digital sustainability, where the most importan are the following:

  • Energy efficiency
  • E-waste
  • Ethical data protection
  • Fair economy and accessibility
  • Green IT

But there are several opportunities that need to be covered by digital transformation, such us:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Digital manufacturing
  • Digital health
  • Digital finance
  • Autonomous driving
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