
Sep 24 2024


10:00 - 12:30

More sustainable, more circular – ways for SMEs to master change processes for a successful transition

Interactive online session for Up2Circ participants

The world is constantly changing and places the same demands on organisations and individuals within it. Integrating change into one’s own organisation can have a wide variety of motives. Economic success, ecological consideration or simply the realisation that a refusal to embrace change can ultimately lead to competitive disadvantages.

However, the decision is only the first step on the path to sustainable implementation of change in the company. The decision usually triggers a process that involves a variety of stakeholders – management, staff, business partners and customers. It should firstly be well planned and secondly identify as many potential obstacles as possible in advance. Turning to the circular economy is also the start of a change process for most companies.

Meet our expert:
Isabell Crone is experienced in planning and implementing change processes in companies for many years.

In this workshop format, Ms Crone will give a brief insight into her experiences working in the field of business transformation. In the following debate, specific challenges will be discussed that are examples of the hurdles that companies face. Under the guidance of the moderator, the workshop participants will jointly develop solutions. Experiences between companies that have already (successfully) mastered change processes and those that are still at the beginning and want to avoid mistakes may be exchanged and solutions provided.


To secure your spot in this insightful session, please register here. After registration, you will receive the Zoom meeting details shortly before the session starts.

We look forward to your participation!

Your Up2Circ Team



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